Showing posts with label D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D. Show all posts

Riesling-Peach Glazed Ham

I made this glazed ham for Easter, but it would be perfect for dinner or any other family meal you have coming up. It’s super eas…


These cupcakes are loaded with Butterfingers. I happen to LOVE Butterfingers, so that isn't a problem for me! I cheated and u…

Thanksgiving Cupcakes

You see them all the time. You know what I am talking about – those perfect treats or cupcakes that look as if they were created …


For a girl that loves chocolate more than life itself, I shouldn’t be so excited-I-want-to-cry about this carrot cake cheesecake.…

Tiramisu Cheesecake

This world famous dessert is from Italy and in Italian tiramisu means cheer me up. A perfect description after a bite of this yum…

Blue Majik Cheesecake

I know what you’re thinking – how the hell can that blue really be all that natural? I mean even I was slightly dubious at first …


Dawno nie piekÅ‚am sernika, i zapomniaÅ‚am już, że to przecież jeden z najprostszych deserów :-). Tym razem chciaÅ‚am, by byÅ‚ z jago…

5 Creative Food Ideas

Thanksgiving Day is our favorite holiday because it’s finally that time of the year when we should all stop counting the calories…

Pumpkin-Shaped Cheeseball

I don’t know about y’all but I love a good cheeseball. I mean, cheese. In a ball. Need I say more? What’s not to love? Cheese and…

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

You are looking at the best cauliflower pizza crust on the web! It is crispy, cheesy and you can really hold the slice. I will no…

Easy Bombay Potatoes

Easy Bombay Potatoes – the best ever Indian Spiced Roasties. The perfect partner for any curry recipe or to spice up your Sunday …